Top 5 Ways to Stand Out to a Casting Director

Written by Claudia Altavilla | Oct 29, 2018 11:49:18 PM

Regardless of how many castings you’ve been to before, the truth is that every experience will be different. We chatted to a wide variety of casting directors (including the fabulous Emma Fleming (Alabama Blonde)) and have compiled their top five tips to stand out to a casting director.

1. Understand yourself and why you’ve been shortlisted to audition

So you applied for a modelling gig and you’ve been shortlisted. First of all, congrats! Secondly, it’s time to take a look at yourself and understand why you’ve been selected as a potential option for the shoot. What’s their vibe? What about your profile struck their eye? Identify key reasons as to why you may have been shortlisted.

This can help minimise any self doubt and maximise your self confidence before your audition.

2. Be memorable!

The goal isn’t to simply get the job, but to be remembered in the right way so you may be asked back for future casting opportunities. How do you do that? That’s up to you. How do you want to leave your mark?

3. Connect with your casting directors & do your research

You’ll hear us say it time and time again. We’re all human!  Creating and maintaining a genuine connection with your casting directors will put you that step ahead of everyone else.

A great way to connect is by minimising the small talk and instead, doing your research. Have you seen their latest show or collection? Take some time to plan ahead and think of potential things to intuitively discuss with them if you have the opportunity.

4.  Confidence is key

Even if you’re hand modelling, your confidence is integral! Establishing a warm, confident attitude when you walk into your audition will have the same effect on the team in front of you. They want to be certain you’re the right fit for the job and if you yourself aren’t sure, how can they be?

5. Treat your Casting Director like a team member, not a higher being.

Sure, the Casting Director may have some power in deciding whether you are successful or not in your audition, however, again, they are only human. They want to like you. Treat them like you’d treat a friend! On that note, treat everyone in the room equally and respectfully - even the intern, if there is one. Showing a mutual level of respect and kindness to everyone in the room will not only lift everyone’s energies but also will give you that higher chance of securing the job. Besides, if you don’t get it, you’ve created a friendship with people who are always looking for talent.

Want to learn more about Model Casting from Alabama Blonde herself? Head to Model Casting 101 to discover more info about this weekend workshop.