When it comes to brushes, most makeup users fit into either of two camp; those with "zero to not enough to do the job properly” or those with more than even the busiest professional makeup artist would know what to do with.
For most people, when we apply everyday makeup we generally do so in the following order;
1. Primer
2. Foundation
3. Concealer
4. Setting powder
5. Blush
6. Bronzer
7. Illuminator/highlighter
8. Eyes
9. Lips
10. Mascara
Brushes are almost always better without exception, so here’s my personal choice when it comes to deciding which brushes you actually need in your personal; makeup bag.
Five brushes is the least anyone doing their own makeup needs for the longest lasting, least wasteful and most flawless results. A rare sixth brush can be added for one final and occasional step.
(For me, fingers are only preferable when it comes to using concealer, allowing you to to tap and blend as opposed to using a concealer brush which can sometimes pull at the skin and is often streaky.)
So, here it is. The brushes you need are:
1. Foundation brush (my favourite is the hourglass No. 2 brush for the most flawless finish)
2. Powder brush - go for something fluffy and soft to achieve a super smooth base.
3. Blush brush
For eyes;
4. Eyeshadow brush - something slightly flatter
5. Eye blending brush
6.Lip brush - for when a super bright or very dark lipstick requiring a perfectly sharp edge is necessary!
Each brush is multi purpose and when makeup is applied in the following order, the brushes should not effect the second step it is used for. So as follows;
Primer - fingers
Foundation - foundation brush
Concealer - fingers
Setting powder - powder brush
Blush - blush brush
Bronzer - powder brush
Illuminator/highlighter - blush brush
Eyes - blending and shadow brushes
Lips - lip brush when necessary
All these brushes, with a quick once over with a spray brush cleaner on a tissue should have them ready for the next application.
So, there you have it - the top 5 brushes you need in your makeup and what to use them for. Want to learn more about makeup?
Click here to find out about our makeup courses.