The Masters Meet: Dario Cotroneo

Written by Claudia Altavilla | Jun 28, 2018 5:59:41 AM


Ambassador of DCI Education and proud owner of the fabulous Dario Salon in Sydney. Dario started his education company in 1998 and has been in high demand around the world ever since! 



Here at The Masters, we had the pleasure of hosting one of his Mentor Programs which looked amazing. By the end of the day, a group of strangers seemed like they’d been working in salons together for years, which goes to show the absolute warmth of Dario’s Education Programs.

We were lucky enough to chat to Dario later on about his most valuable advice for hairdressers and his top tips to success:


‘Everyday you go to work, think about in ten years time, how proud you are about what you did today.’

I don’t know about you, but I think that is motivation for all creatives. So often, creatives suffer from self doubt, but with an end goal in mind and an image of a dream worthy future, it’s what keeps us going.


‘Work with people that are going to push you beyond what you think you can do.’

We literally bow to this. It is all about collaboration, whether it is with fellow hairdressers in different stages of their careers or other creatives, collaboration allows you to learn, develop your skill set even further and most importantly, to inspire you. At the Masters Institute, collaboration is key. You don’t see a model strut down the runway without a team of hair stylists, makeup artists and 700 other people prepping them, do you?


‘Make your circle so small, filled with love and people who are passionate about pushing your career forward.’

This is integral. In life and art, surrounding yourself with the kinds of people that are going to encourage you to grow, push you to work harder and stand by your side throughout every moment are the people you really need. The creative world is truly a rollercoaster ride (excuse the cheesy analogy) filled with adrenalin, fear, excitement and pride.

Dario, we are so grateful for your words! 

Keep an eye out for more of our series, 'The Masters Meet' where we chat to inspirational. industry leaders taking the hair, fashion, beauty and makeup industries to the next level!